This ceremony is performed in the temple for both boys and girls before the age of four. Hair is seen as an adornment. By shaving the head, the child confronts his or her bare ego. It teaches humbleness and devotion. Children with shaved heads are seen as innocent and holy and are treated with great respect. My husband described the ceremony as follows :

"One of my first memories was when I went to the temple to get my head shaved. It was peaceful as I leaned my head back into the man's hand and my parents sang mantras as he shaved my head. I felt very special all day."
This ceremony is often repeated for boys on their birthdays until puberty. Many grown men and women also complete this ceremony as a sign of humbleness, or thanks for an answered prayer. It is not uncommon for women to cut off several inches of their hair after the delivery of a healthy child or other positive event in their family life.